- A Winged Victory For The Sullen
- Achterna gedragen (Tg Zoogdier
- Akkachar
- Albatre
- Amen Dunes
- Ancient Ocean
- Andy Stott (live)
- Angel Olsen
- Angela de Weijer
- Annelies Monseré
- Annette Dölle
- Anthony Rother
- Antlered Man
- Apex Aurilliuz
- Bandish Projekt
- Bas Schevers
- Bellflower
- Ben Butler & Mousepad
- Bill Orcutt
- Bill Wells & Aidan Moffat
- Binaural Swimming (Beach)
- Black Dice
- Black To Comm
- Blood Beach
- Boutros Bubba
- Brabant
- British Sea Power
- Buildings
- Busdriver
- Buzzcocks
- Cactus Truck
- Carla Bozulich's Evangelista
- Caspar Brötzmann Massaker
- Centre For Creative Activism
- Charles Hayward
- Cheek Mountain Thief
- Chris & Cosey
- Chris Jones
- Cian Nugent
- Coco Bryce
- Coldair
- Con-Dom
- Conan
- Consumer Electronics
- Cracks In The Wall
- Crocodiles
- Cult Of Youth
- d'Eon
- Dagora
- Damo Suzuki
- Dance or Take Drugs To It (panel)
- Darkwood
- Darsombra
- David Sherry
- De Høje Hæle
- Dead Neanderthals
- Dead Rat Orchestra
- Deep Time
- Defy The Crown
- Desolated
- Die Jungen
- DIEP (Bakvorm & Hosman)
- Digger & The Pussycats
- DJ EZD (Shit is Bangin’) + Timmietex (Host)
- Dj Patchman Marco
- Do It Yourself
- Doug Paisley
- Dr. Doom
- Dragonslayer
- Duo Verso
- Earth Control
- Eigenheimer
- Elise Mélinand
- Erik van Liere
- Evans / Fernandez / Gustafsson
- Expo '70
- Falling
- Fanny Alofs
- Fawn Spots
- Felix
- Festival
- Fields Of The Nephilim
- Filip Kimho Duo
- Filosofische Stilte
- Fleshless
- Floris Vanhoof
- Frank Fairfield
- Frietboer
- Full of Hell
- Fully Blown Dental Reform
- Funeral Whore
- Gallery
- Gang Colours
- Gangpol & Mit
- Garda
- Girlseeker
- Gnod
- Grandma Lo-fi
- Greg Haines
- Gul Night Out
- H A R K
- Hans Stevens
- Hare Akedod
- Heiko Laux
- Heinz Karlhausen & The Diatonics
- Herrek
- Hjálmar
- House Of Wolves
- How To Run Your Record Label (panel)
- Howlin Rain
- Hubble
- Human Don't Be Angry (Malcolm Middleton)
- Iceage King Midas Sound
- Ides of Gemini
- Incubate
- Insanity Alert
- Instant Fiction (Sarah van Lamsweerde)
- Ital
- Ivolve
- Jameszoo
- Jan Jelinek
- Japandroids
- Jæ
- JC Thomaz & The Missing Slippers
- Jean Charles de Quillacq
- Jenny Hval
- Joe Speedboat
- Johannes Heil
- John Paul Keith
- Jordy Koevoets
- JR
- Kangding Ray
- Kelpe
- Kelvin Sholar
- Kid Ink
- Killed By 9V Batteries
- Killing the Chickens to Scare the Monkeys
- Klub Tilt
- Krampfhaft
- Kumbia Queers
- Lacerated And Carbonized
- Laibach
- Las Palmas
- Laughin while drinkin sour milk (Jaime Ibanez)
- Leah Capaldi
- Leif Vollebekk
- Lesbian
- Lettera 22
- line up
- Love You More
- Lower
- Lust For Youth
- Mahesh Vinayakram
- Malignant Tumour
- Mark Fisher
- Mark Sultan
- Master
- Masterclass Center for Artistic Activism
- Masterclass Santiago Sierra
- Mathildes Misses
- Matt Elliott Nguzunguzu
- Mc Bellal
- Meg Baird
- Meindert Talma
- Messer
- Mgła
- Mi Ami
- Miaux
- Midnight Souls
- Midori-Ko
- Mik Quantius
- Mike Koldin
- Mineral Beings
- Miriam Overlach
- Mmoths
- Mogwai
- Molasses
- Monolith
- Moodymann
- Mozes and the Firstborn
- MV & EE with the Home Comfort Sound System
- Napalm Death
- Nathan Fake
- Neki Stranac
- Nekromantheon
- Neon Rainbows
- New Bleeders
- New Kids on the Blog (panel)
- New Lows
- Nils Frahm
- Nouveau Vélo
- Nova Ruth
- Nurse With Wound
- Ortega
- Pablo Wendel
- Paranoid Visions
- Pato
- Pete Namlook
- Petra van der Schoot)
- Petra van Noort
- Piet-Jan van Rossum
- Pink Sock
- Plant Duw
- Port Of Call
- Pretty Lightning
- Primordial Undermind
- programma
- Raime
- Ramesses
- Ravage! Ravage!
- Reigning Sound
- Richard Buckner
- RM Hubbert
- Robert Levine
- Robert Lombarts
- Roy Wilkinson
- Rudi Zygadlo
- Runa Rizvi
- Sabir Mateen
- Sadistic Intent
- Saint Helena Dove
- Santiago Sierra
- Sex Drive
- Sex Worker
- Short Films - Animation: Body Memory
- Short Films - Animation: The Last Bus
- Short Films - Animation: The Monster of Nix
- Short Films - Experimental: Deep Red
- Short Films - Experimental: Dolls vs Dictators
- Short Films - Fears: Motor
- Short Films - Fears: Our Father
- Short Films - Stories of Life: Attack of the Giant Brain Sucker Monster from Outer Space
- Short Films - Stories of Life: Bon Voyage
- Short Films - Stories of Life: The Serenity Prayer
- Short Films - Travels: Peter & the Farm
- Shreyas Dave
- Sigur Ros - Why Music Matters
- Silver Apples
- Simon Reynolds
- Sleepy Sun
- Slomatics
- Slow Down
- Starve
- Stijn Selecter
- Stinking Lizaveta
- Stump & Schouten
- Sunflare
- Susanna Borsch
- Swindle
- Synesthesia
- Tarentatec
- The Haxan Cloak
- The Horse Company
- The KVB
- The Membranes
- The Men
- The Peep Tempel
- The Runaway / La Huída
- The Telescopes
- Those Foreign Kids
- Thread Pulls
- Tiago Sousa
- Tilburg
- Tippa Irie
- Together
- Toxic Shock
- Trevor Watts & Veryan Weston
- Tu Fawning
- Twinsistermoon
- United Sounds
- Vår
- Vile
- Warm Digits
- What Came From The Sea
- Wiersma & Smeets
- Will Guthrie
- Wolvon
- Xander Harris
- xxxy
- Yann Tiersen
- You are here (Stephanie Pan)
- Young Colour
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Posted by Harold on sep 5, 2012 in Festivalnieuws
De complete line-up en timetable is bekend!
Het Tilburgse festival Incubate heeft weer leuke namen binnen gehaald. O.a. Mogwai, Yann Tiersen, Japandroids, Buzzcocks, Sleepy Sun, Britsh Sea Power.
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